The Greatest Lie the Oil Industry Never Bothered to Tell

Alex Koyfman

Posted March 4, 2021

Let’s take a minute to stroll through a world of make-believe.

It’s a perfect world, a world with no crime, or envy, or poverty.

War is a distant memory; disease, a thing of the past; oppression, discrimination, and hatred — all gathering dust in history’s attic.

Everything is just as ideal as you can imagine, from the spotless sidewalks people take to their three-hour-per-day jobs to the crisp, pure air they breathe into their lungs.

Carbon, as a byproduct of industry, commerce, and the day-to-day lives of our utopia’s billions of residents, is over and done with.

This world’s infinite opportunities for fun, travel, and new experiences are powered by a fuel that produces no emissions other than water vapor.

The fuel powers their vehicles, but it’s also used to store energy — the same way we use large batteries to store excess watts when energy production levels outpace demand.

It’s so versatile, so clean, and so safe to handle and use that it becomes almost universal.

Best of all, the production of the fuel requires nothing more than electricity, water, and air, with absolutely zero harmful byproducts.

Which Part of This Isn’t Made Up?

“A fantasy world indeed,” you’re probably thinking to yourself.

Well, you’re right. This is a fantasy world. War and disease and poverty are issues that will probably plague humanity forever, but there’s one element of this idyllic world I just described that isn’t a fantasy at all.

There is a fuel that performs just as I described. It can be burned in an internal combustion engine much like the kind that powers your car — with just a few minor adjustments.

It emits no carbon or any hazardous chemicals at all. In fact, you can cool and safely drink its exhaust. Besides water vapor, it puts out just a bit of harmless nitrogen.

It’s stable, safe to handle, and extremely potent. In the 1960s, NASA used it to power the X-15 rocket plane to almost seven times the speed of sound, setting a record for winged aircraft that still stands to this day. 

Most interesting of all, this fuel has been known to man for well over a century. It was used to power streetcars in New Orleans as early as the turn of the 20th century, and it powered Belgium’s public bus system in the early ’40s when WW2 disrupted the supply of gasoline and diesel.

So what’s this super-secret concoction that science and industry have been keeping a secret from you for all these years?

Here’s a hint: You’ve probably got some under your kitchen sink.

The Glass Cleaner That Saved The World?

This magical fuel, which sounds like it was written into existence by a lazy science fiction author, is known to chemists as NH3.

But laypeople know it by a much more casual name: ammonia.

If you’re imagining a household cleaner right now, you’re not alone, but the truth is that ammonia is an incredibly versatile fuel that can and has been used in a wide variety of energy applications for well over a century.

The obvious question here is: If it’s so great, why aren’t we using it everywhere? Why isn’t it the universal fantasy fuel that I just described up above?

The answer is that part of the formula is missing. Producing ammonia by the traditional Haber-Bosch process is a costly, energy-inefficient endeavor that releases more toxins and carbon than the equivalent amount of conventional fuel would.

Haber-Bosch posed such a major obstacle to ammonia rising as the world’s go-to fuel that the oil industry, which is the obvious big loser in the ammonia takeover scenario, never even bothered to bury the story.

There was simply too little chance that ammonia would ever become a viable competitor to gasoline.

Or so they thought… Just a couple of years back, a single breakthrough quietly shattered that status quo once and for all.

A new process, patented in 2014, now allows for the zero-carbon production of ammonia using nothing but electricity, water, and air.

It costs less than conventional gas, and yet delivers a fuel that’s cleaner, safer, and far, far more versatile than anything you can get at today’s pumping station.

Versatile enough, in fact, to even threaten the emerging distributed power storage industry currently ruled by lithium-ion giants like Tesla.

You Haven’t Heard This Company’s Name Yet… But You Will

This patented process is currently being tested in a series of progressively larger production facilities at a major Canadian research university, but soon enough, you could see them start to go online around North America.

A small Toronto-based tech company recently acquired this technology and immediately reorganized itself around the project, changing both its name and its ticker symbol to reflect the company’s new direction.

And that should make the story of ammonia particularly interesting to the investor because, in the next few years, we could see a rapidly emerging sector, all controlled by a company that is valued at less than $40 million today.

To put things into perspective, the industry this process threatens has annual global sales totaling at least $3 trillion.

If you’re starting to suspect that this might be a big deal, you’re not alone.

Since this company reorganized under its new name and ticker, the stock’s gone up more than 30%, with momentary spikes of 100% or more.

The whole thing was looking pretty volatile from the start, so I did the only thing I could and rushed a research report detailing the fuel, the company, and the future prospects for both.

For anybody interested in getting a head start on the next major revolution in commercial and consumer energy, I urge you to check out my briefing on the situation ASAP.

It’s free to view, and you can see it right here, right now.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.

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